Why contact us

Difficulty in trying to find time for research with academic duties and teaching

Time is taken up with complex and repetitive tasks

Would like someone who can easily talk over research


Three Features

Providing support for non-core tasks

We support “non-core tasks” to enables you to focus on more of importance


Specialized in nursing and healthcare fields

Support provided from planning to publication of nursing related research and further to skill/ practical trainings

One-stop service

Provide solutions for everything from communication, coordination, organizing, streamlining and digital transformation of complicated tasks


Our Support


Research planning support 
Application forms preparation ¥250,000~
Research plan preparation ¥250,000~
Research description preparation ¥30,000~
Manual preparation ¥80,000~
Interview guide preparation ¥20,000~
Flyer preparation ¥30,000~
Data collection support
Questionnaire preparation (paper) ¥200,000~
Questionnaire preparation (Web) ¥200,000~
Construction of websites for participants (cross-sectional surveys) ¥250,000~
Application and inquiry desk ¥50,000~
Interview surveys ¥10,000~
Gathering quastionnaires  ¥10,000~
Data entry ¥30,000~
Enclosing/ shipping of questionnaires, rewards, etc. ¥20,000~
Analysis support
Data cleaning ¥200,000~
Preparation of verbatim transcripts (60 min) ¥15,000~
Analysis of qualitative data ¥10,000~
Analysis of quantitative data ¥5,000~
Result publication support
Preparation of charts and graphs ¥500~
Creation of infographics (Ja to Ja, En to En) ¥100,000~
Creation of infographics (Ja to En, En to Ja) ¥150,000~
Poster presentation materials (Japanese) ¥150,000~
Poster presentation materials (English) ¥200,000~
Oral presentation materials (Japanese) ¥200,000~
Oral presentation materials (English) ¥300,000~
Report preparation ¥500,000~
Construction of Website for research promotion ¥350,000~
Online seminar operation support ¥100,000~
Online consultation for young researchers (30 min) ¥5,000~
Online support for clinical nursing education (6 months) ¥120,000~
Construction of business management system ¥50,000~
Construction of reminder system ¥50,000~
Building of bulk email sending system ¥50,000~
Construction of LINE chatbot ¥100,000~
Construction of various applications ¥500,000~
SNS management ¥10,000~


Usage scenes


  • Creating infographics

    Research abstract is visualized and consolidated into a single PowerPoint slide
  • Construction of performance management system

    Built a system with ability to format Vancouver reference style through DOI information of research
  • Data cleaning

    Performing data matching while changing variable and label names, value, types and width
  • Translation of oral presentation materials (Ja to En)

    Oral presentation slides and scripts prepared in Japanese were translated into English.
  • Constructing research websites

    Constructed a website to post research results and information (opt-out) for research participants
  • Creating reports

    Prepared figures and tables from the cleaned data and drafted the report according to request


Start Guide


Post your request from “inquiry” and desired completion date


Conduct meetings to understand your requests and share quotation


Confirm and coordinate work content
Organize the overall picture of the outcome and coordinate the work content


Kick off
When finalized, the project will kick off


Sharing outcome
Outcome draft is shared and final adjustment will be made


Submit outcome
Final outcome will be delivered after adjustment


Q : Is it possible to request for something that is not listed in the services?

Yes, you can. After hearing the overall picture of your request and the problems you are having, we can suggest areas where we can assist.

Q : How long will my request take to complete?

It depends on time, necessary work load and details of your request. Accurate completion date will be shared after meeting.

Q : Is it possible to pay in public or school expenses?

We accept public/ school expenses, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research and invoice payments.

Q : Are you a qualified invoice system company?

We are currently waiting for approval. Once we are, we will share information on the company page.